World Eating Disorders Action Day takes place on the 2nd of June, 2024.
Mind EveryBody came up with three goals to celebrate the day:
Get 5,000 signatures on our petition.
Light Ireland purple.
Start a fundraiser for Bodywhys.
For Goal 1, so far we have 2,286 signatures on our petition. Our goal is to get to 5,000 signatures. We would appreciate it if you could take a moment to sign and share.
The plan was to deliver the petition to Ministers Stephen Donnelly and Mary Butler on the 2nd of June, but we will extend the deadline to Friday, the 7th of June, to allow time for more people to sign after Goal 2 brings more awareness.
For Goal 2, we would like to thank the following for agreeing to participate in lighting buildings purple on the 2nd of June:
Swords Castle
Casino in Malahide
Fingal County Council Swords County Hall
Fingal County Council Civic Offices Blanchardstown
Lord Mayor of Dublin, Mansion House
South Dublin County Council digital website and social media light-up
Limerick City and County Council Headquarters
You'll notice the Mind EveryBody website has also gone purple for the day!
For Goal 3, we will hopefully announce details soon about the fundraiser for Bodywhys.
Thank you to everyone for helping us raise awareness and ask for better eating disorder services.