I am so happy it is a new year!
New years mean new opportunities. And boy are there opportunities! I am not a political person, but while we are in the prime of election season, now is the time to remind your politicians of the much needed reforms in Eating Disorder services in Ireland.
If you had difficulties getting care for yourself or for loved ones, please email your TDs. Let them know what was difficult, what was unacceptable, and what changes you would like to see in ED services. Please be specific and ask the hard questions that need to be asked. My hope is always that personal stories will make it real for politicians, that hopefully through us they can understand what we have experienced and make the necessary changes.
If you read one of my first blog posts, it explains what happened to my family, and why I organised my first protest in November 2023. Now that Eating Disorder Awareness week is coming up from the 26th of February through the 3rd of March, I thought there would be no nicer way to end a week of awareness with a day to raise our voices, be heard, and ask for the necessary changes in ED care.
As I learned from my Maudsley course with Bodywhys, "there cannot be change without change." As we have all learned for ourselves or from those we love who suffer from an Eating Disorder, even small changes can be significant. We cannot move forward without small steps.
I am calling for the same from the government. One change, after one change, after another change can lead to big reforms.
I really hope you can join us in Dublin on the 2nd of March, 2024 for a peaceful protest to conclude Eating Disorder Awareness Week. Let's ask for early interventions and support, for therapeutic support throughout treatment and recovery, for a connection in existing services, better access to treatment facilities with less catchment restrictions, more beds and specialised staff, and ultimately facilities that can treat both the mental health and physical components of Eating Disorders at the same time.
Please visit Eventbrite for more information about the protest: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/eating-disorders-awareness-week-protest-tickets-794802033277?aff=oddtdtcreator