Funding & Staff
Consistent and ring-fenced funding, and adequate staffing are needed ASAP to implement the improvements that are needed.
A Specialised ED Hospital
A dedicated inpatient unit with specialised staff, and no catchment restrictions is needed to holistically treat patients. Physical and mental health are equally important when it comes to eating disorders, and historically the two have been treated separately, with a large focus being on physical health.
Connected Service
There needs to be a better connection in care between GPs, available interventions while on waitlists, outpatient services, inpatient services, acute hospitals, physical and mental health, transition from hospital to home, and transition from children to adult services.
Reforms Sought
The reforms sought are based on personal experiences by carers and sufferers. A summary of the top 3 issues are at the top of the page.
More direct routes to access care & earlier interventions
A reduction of time spent on CAMHS waitlists.
More immediate supports for carers, such as meal coaching.
More clarity about the treatment process and what supports families are entitled to.
Access to invidual and/or family based therapy every step of the treatment process, despite weight.
A connected, and sufficient level of service
Specialised facilities specifically for eating disorder sufferers, including medical and mental health services.
At bare minimum, more inpatient facilities or a reduction of catchment restrictions.
All inpatient facilities to provide NG feeding if required, to avoid multiple hospital admissions and access to care.
ED specialists and mental health services available in all public hospitals.
Sufficient community and outpatient supports.
Treatment not dependant on weight.
More beds, ring-fenced funding, and specialised staff
More staff trained specifically to help ED sufferers.
Full staff recruitment for existing teams.
Funding to increase the number of staff and beds, and funding that cannot be reallocated.
Ring-fenced and consistent funding for NCPED to expand specialist ED teams.
Funding to update the expired 2018 Eating Disorders Services Model of Care.
Better transitional supports between hospitals & homes, and CAMHS & AMHS
Meal support if needed.
Access to mental health supports.
More accountability and accurate statistics
Every individual sufferer needs a transparent care plan.
There needs to be a process in place for families to seek recourse if the level of care is not adequate.
Accurate statistics need to be gathered to get a better overall picture of how many people are suffering with eating disorders, and what resources are actually needed.
Needs assessment for beds capacity needs to be carried out.