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Amy Hanley
2 days ago1 min read
Thank you
Hi guys. I wanted to say a very sincere "thank you," to the 83 survey participants. Reading the results has proved emotionally difficult,...
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Amy Hanley
Jan 131 min read
Please take our survey
Hi guys! As everyone is aware, there is a new Irish government beginning soon. We are hoping a fresh start will mean fresh eyes and ears...
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Amy Hanley
Jul 16, 20241 min read
Let's raise funds for Bodywhys!
We were a bit behind in starting our World Eating Disorders Action Day goal of setting up a fundraiser for Bodywhys, so that has been...
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Amy Hanley
Jun 29, 20241 min read
Briefing in Leinster House
I'm happy to say I finally found time to post some of our materials from the Dáil briefing on the website. They can be found on the...
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Amy Hanley
Jun 1, 20241 min read
Goals and Progress for World Eating Disorders Action Day
World Eating Disorders Action Day takes place on the 2nd of June, 2024. Mind EveryBody came up with three goals to celebrate the day: Get...
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Amy Hanley
May 23, 20241 min read
Let's light Ireland purple!
So the first announcement for World Eating Disorders Action Day came a few days ago. Let's try to get 5,000 signatures on our
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Amy Hanley
May 22, 20241 min read
Let's get 5,000 signatures!
For World Eating Disorders Action Day 2024, our goal is to get 5,000 signatures on our petition. The petition will then be...
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Amy Hanley
Apr 18, 20244 min read
What to Expect (Part III): Recovery
There are many different stages of recovery There is no set timeline for how long recovery takes. It could be weeks, months, or years. It...
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Amy Hanley
Apr 17, 202412 min read
What to Expect (Part II): Hospitals and Inpatient Units
In this part of the series I'll talk about what can be expected at the hospital and inpatient units (from a carer's perspective), and...
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Amy Hanley
Apr 16, 20246 min read
What to Expect (Part I): The Early Stages
I've been contacted a few times by carers in various stages of helping their loved one with an Eating Disorder, and I can often feel the...
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Amy Hanley
Mar 7, 202416 min read
Q&A Series: Emmy
Name: Emmy Age: 29 Gender: Female Can you please tell me a little bit about yourself, and about the eating disorder you have? Hello❤️My...
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Amy Hanley
Mar 1, 20241 min read
Protests tomorrow for better eating disorder services
Tomorrow is finally the day for Ireland's first multi-city protest calling for better eating disorder services across the country. Please...
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Amy Hanley
Mar 1, 20241 min read
Galway joins the protests!
I am so excited to announce that Galway has joined the protests in the call for better eating disorder services across Ireland! Please...
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Amy Hanley
Feb 21, 20243 min read
Q&A Series: Ciara
Name: Ciara Age: 33 Gender: Female Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed for my blog. The goal is to raise awareness about what eating...
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Amy Hanley
Feb 20, 20243 min read
Q&A Series: Lauren
Name: Lauren Age: 20 Gender: Female Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed for my blog. The goal is to raise awareness about what eating...
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Amy Hanley
Feb 10, 20242 min read
Q&A Series: Jess
Name: Jess Age: 31 Gender: Female Q: Can you please tell me a little bit about yourself, and about the eating disorder you have? A: My...
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Amy Hanley
Feb 9, 20242 min read
Q&A Series: Leah
Name: Leah Age: 25 Gender: female Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed for my blog. The goal is to raise awareness about what eating...
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Amy Hanley
Feb 8, 20242 min read
Q&A Series: Anonymous
Name: Anonymous Age: 49 Gender: Female Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed for my blog. The goal is to raise awareness about what...
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Amy Hanley
Feb 6, 20243 min read
Q&A Series: Bláithín
Name: Bláithín Age: 27 Gender: Female Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed for my blog. The goal is to raise awareness about what eating...
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Amy Hanley
Feb 5, 20243 min read
Q&A Series: Emma
Name: Emma Age: 25 Gender: Female Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed for my blog. The goal is to raise awareness about what eating...
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