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Amy Hanley
Mar 7, 202416 min read
Q&A Series: Emmy
Name: Emmy Age: 29 Gender: Female Can you please tell me a little bit about yourself, and about the eating disorder you have? Hello❤️My...
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Amy Hanley
Feb 21, 20243 min read
Q&A Series: Ciara
Name: Ciara Age: 33 Gender: Female Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed for my blog. The goal is to raise awareness about what eating...
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Amy Hanley
Feb 8, 20242 min read
Q&A Series: Anonymous
Name: Anonymous Age: 49 Gender: Female Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed for my blog. The goal is to raise awareness about what...
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Amy Hanley
Feb 6, 20243 min read
Q&A Series: Bláithín
Name: Bláithín Age: 27 Gender: Female Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed for my blog. The goal is to raise awareness about what eating...
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Amy Hanley
Feb 5, 20243 min read
Q&A Series: Emma
Name: Emma Age: 25 Gender: Female Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed for my blog. The goal is to raise awareness about what eating...
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Amy Hanley
Feb 4, 20242 min read
Q&A Series: Emily
Name: Emily Age: 19 Gender: Female Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed for my blog. The goal is to raise awareness about what eating...
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Amy Hanley
Feb 3, 20243 min read
Q&A Series: Luna
Name: Luna Age: 19 Gender: Genderfluid Assigned female at birth Thanks for agreeing to be interviewed for my blog. The goal is to raise...
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Amy Hanley
Feb 3, 20241 min read
Q&A Series
In the lead up to EDAW 2024, I am running a Q&A series with sufferers. The goal is to help other people understand what it is like to...
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