As I was making this video, the whole time I was thinking that this is really just the tip of the iceburg. This is some of the pain that has been caused to my family and I, but there was so much more that is impossible to put into 10 Instagram slides.
If this helps you imagine what it has been like from my perspective as a carer, imagine what my daughter had to go through the past year.
I will keep working to bring awareness and understanding about eating disorders to people who may not understand. Hopefully HSE will make tangible changes instead of hollow words if they understand how many families have gone through this, how the entire family unit suffers, how long a poor level of care in this country has been allowed to continue, and how very few of the promised changes have been made.
Amy, you are amazing and your post is so touching.
I can’t even imagine what it’s like for you.
please look after yourself.
All the best